OBJECTIVE: To determine whether treatment with a calcium channel blocker or an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor lowers the incidence of coronary heart di...
作者:国际循环网 发布于:2004-08-06
OBJECTIVES: To assess and compare the effects of candesartan or lisinopril, or both, on blood pressure and urinary albumin excretion in patients with microalb...
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether initial therapy with controlled-onset extended-release (COER) verapamil is equivalent to a physician’s choice of atenolol or hy...
BACKGROUND: Most cardiovascular events associated with hypertension are complications of atherosclerosis. Some antihypertensive agents influence experimental mo...
BACKGROUND: Despite treatment, there is often a higher incidence of cardiovascular complications in patients with hypertension than in normotensive individuals...
作者:HanssonL,ZanchettiA 发布于:2004-08-06
BACKGROUND: The efficacy of antihypertensive drugs newer than diuretics and beta-blockers has not been established. We compared the effects of the calcium-chann...
作者:BrownMJ,PalmerCR 发布于:2004-08-06
OBJECTIVE: Irbesartan is renoprotective in patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria. Whether the observed reduction in microalbuminuria is reversible ...
The Japan Multicenter Investigation for Cardiovascular Diseases-B was performed to investigate whether nifedipine retard treatment was associated with a signifi...